Pulse Charger for reviving tired Lead Acid batteriess

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Before you begin a project like this remember: mains voltage is dangerous so if you are not 100% sure of what you ’re doing consult a friend who has the skills or, don ’t do it at all ! If you own a motorcycle, a motor home, a caravan, a lawn mover, a day cruiser or maybe a vintage car you must at some point had to write off a lead acid b

Pulse Charger for reviving tired Lead Acid batteriess
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attery. When a battery is improperly charged or allowed to self-discharge as occurs during non-use, sulphate crystals build up on the battery`s plates. The sulphate preventing the battery from being fully charged and therefore it is unable to deliver its full capacity. When trying to charge a battery in this state it only gets hot and looses water, the gravity of the electrolyte is not increasing to its normal full charge ” state. The only thing you do is killing the battery completely. If a battery has a resting voltage of at least 1. 8 Volts/cell and no cells are shorted, desulphation of its plates can be done. This circuit is an add-on and part for a modification of a normal charger and it takes care of the sulphate problem. The project: get hold of an old charger, big or small it ’s your choice depending on the size of batteries you normally handle (bigger is better). There are some tricks to boost the performance if you need it. Start by ripping out everything except the transformer and the rectifier. Some older chargers are equipped with fin rectifiers, which have high voltage drop and must be replaced. Replace with a rugged bridge rectifier that can cope with the amperes. All wiring on secondary should be short and heavy wire. The rectifier should be bolted to the chassis to keep cool. If the charger have a high/low switch it ’s a bonus, if not you can in some cases add a few turns of wire on the secondary winding....

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