RF Signal Generator

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This signal generator is intended for realignment of radio receivers. The unit is cheap and fairly basic, but perfectly adequate for its intended purpose. However, the output is not a pure sine wave, so the unit may not be suited for more exacting electronic development work. The unit covers a frequency range of 150KHz to 12MHz over five ranges (s

RF Signal Generator
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hown below). It is therefore suited to the alignment of RF and IF sections of AM (MW and LW) sets, as well as the IF sections of FM (VHF) circuits. It may also be used for RF alignment of SW circuits from 25 to 49 metres. The output may be amplitude modulated by an internal 800Hz audio tone (approx. 30% modulation) or by an external signal. The output level is adjustable in two ranges up to a maximum of about 4V pk-pk. The unit is mains powered. TR1 is a high gain FET (Field Effect Transistor) and is configured as a Colpitts style oscillator. The oscillation frequency is set by the variable capacitor (C1+C2) and the five pairs of switched inductors. There is significant overlap between the ranges, due to the limited range of readily available inductors. However even by using specially would inductors, four frequency bands would have been needed to cover the range. The RF output is buffered by TR2, which is configured as an emitter follower. The output signal is developed across R6, and passes to the output sockets via variable and switched attenuater circuits. The signal is amplitude modulated by varying the supply voltage to the oscillator circuit. This is carried out by TR3, which is an emitter follower. C10 decouples the feed at RF. It should be noted that this modulation method does cause a small amount of unwanted frequency modulation as well as the desired amplitude modulation. If the unit was being used for listening...

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