Remote Control Your Computer

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Imagine you are relaxing and reading your favorite novel while listening to music on your computer, suddenly you want to skip the current song or want to pause your mp3 player. Infrared Software : This decodes the electrical signals and takes action to controls your program (like mp3 player etc). The action can be any thing like `moving to next so

Remote Control Your Computer
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ng" or "changing volume" etc. Heart of the circuit is TSOP-1738 infrared detector chip. TSOP-1738 detects infrared signals generated by your remote and generates electrical pulses on its out pin. These electrical pulses finally goes into your computer via serial port`s DCD pin. DCD, RST and GND of the circuit is connected to respective pins of SUB-D connector using 1m long wire. SUB-D connector should be connected to your computer`s Serial/COM port. Please note that both 78L05 and L7805 are 5V voltage regulator chip but their in/out pin positions are different. Any of the voltage regulator chip can be used provided proper connections are made. After your Infrared detector circuit is ready you need Infrared software to control your programs. You can download IR POWER infrared software from to remote control your programs like mp3 player, media player, power-point presentation etc. All the material on this website is copyright property of Material on this site is for personal use only and can not be used for any commercial activity without written permission of Use the information provided within this website at your own risk. Information within this website is provided as-is without warranty or guarantee of any kind. Please read Copyright and Disclaimer notice carefully.

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