Rockwell Jupiter GPS module

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The Rockwell Jupiter TU30-D140 is a OEM (Original Equipment Manufacterer) GPS receiver module that is designed to be implemented as part of a larger design, like a vehicle tracking system, navigational system, time/clock reference etc. This is a 12 parallel-channel all-in-view receiver. The module is 4 by 7 cm, and has a 20 pins connector for the

Rockwell Jupiter GPS module
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various signals and power supply`s, and a MCX connector to for the GPS antenna. In order to use the module you do not need very much: a 5V power supply, an active or passive GPS antenna and a TTL to RS232 level converter to be able to communicate with the module from a computer`s serial port. The exact specifications of the module are available in PDF format. These are on the CD if you got it with the module, or can be downloaded from the URL`s listed below. This article is meant to share the experiences with this module. I do not guarantee this information to be complete or even correct. Read the Rockwell documentation on the listed URL`s for all details! This is a right angle MCX connector, also named OSX. It is not a very familiar connector amongs radio/electronics amateurs, but is is used in professional rf designs for cellular networks. Active GPS antenna`s are available with this MCX connector, but more often we see BNC or SMB connectors. Possibly you got a short piece of 2 mm high-quality coax with a crimped-on MCX connector with the module. You can use it to make a BNC or SMB adapter cable. However, some care is needed. When mounting the cable to a BNC connector, the part of the cable that is not-coaxial should be kept as short as possible, and in no case longer than 2 cm. If possible, use a crimp-on BNC of SMB connector. The following is only for the experienced rf amateur. If you have the guts it is possible to...

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