TX-300 300mW FM Transmitter

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The amplifier has exactly the same architecture as TX500 with the difference that TX300 has only one stage variable VHF amplifier. It is a cute schematic that was made for all of you who wanted something even simpler than TX500 and with not as many necessary parts. It is a perfect circuit for transmitting your music around the house and yard. Inte

TX-300 300mW FM Transmitter
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resting feature is a gain control P1 that lets you adjust your desired output power and distance. If in case you want to replace Q2 with more powerful transmitter like 2n4427 or 2n3866 you will have to replace P1 with a resistor due to the higher necessary current. For much more info go to TX500`s page. fm transmitters stereo encoders electronic encoder free schematics circuits diagrams electronics kits electronic projects diy telephone bugs amplifiers pre-amplifiers power supply supplies fm radio receivers 2n4427 2n3866 integrated circuits elektonika schematy zestawy elektroniczne nadajniki fm odbiorniki wzmacniacze predwzmacniacze enkodery dekodery stereo przystawki telefoniczne telefoniczny czesci elektroniczne mierniki cyfrowe fm transmitters stereo encoders electronic encoder free schematics circuits diagrams electronics kits electronic projects diy telephone bugs amplifiers pre-amplifiers power supply supplies fm radio receivers 2n4427 2n3866 integrated circuits elektonika schematy zestawy elektroniczne nadajniki fm odbiorniki wzmacniacze predwzmacniacze enkodery dekodery stereo przystawki telefoniczne telefoniczny czesci elektroniczne mierniki cyfrowe heatsinks large heatsinks extruded heatsinks extrusion heatsink amplifier heatsinks large heatsink aluminum heatsinks large aluminum extruded heatsinks large heat sinks heat sink aluminum heatt sinks

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