Tesla Coil

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

This web page is provided to offer assistance and information to anyone that is wanting to construct a Tesla coil. I encourage you to make use of the other resources we offer on this page. I live in the United States, and in this country the electrical line voltage standard is 120V at 60Hz. However, once you are passed the high voltage transformer

Tesla Coil
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, it is all pretty much the same. All of my measurements are in inches, but those can easily be converted to centimeters. Your Tesla coil will ultimately be an expression of you and the finished product will reflect information and techniques you have gathered not only from this page but perhaps from many others. Most of the tesla tutorials I find out there only provide a fraction of the information you really need to build your coil. Or the information is way to technical and one gets lost in a see of numbers and calculations. Feeling overwhelmed can be one`s greatest stumbling block to building a Tesla coil. As long as you have some general woodworking and soldering skills, you can do it! I do not plan to include exact measurements of everything, as I wish to leave some creative effort to the builder to come up with his or her own solutions and designs. I will do my best to offer a comprehensive tutorial that if followed precisely, will render a very nice Tesla Coil. There are many details involved to having a finished tesla coil, so just start on one part and continue step by step and you will be successful. If you don`t have the skills or tools yourself to build a Tesla coil, perhaps there is someone (maybe a teacher or relative) who does and would be happy to assist in the construction. I decided to use this article by Hank Mills as an introduction to my presentation. It really lays out Tesla coil basics in a way that...

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