The Design of Car Audio Power Amplifier

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This article is for those who wants to make their own car amplifier. The basics of calculation will be discussed below. If you have understand it you will be able to make car amplifier yourself. Actually the difficulty of designing the car power amplifier does not lies with the audio power amplifier, but it is more to providing the switching power

The Design of Car Audio Power Amplifier
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supply. where Vpp= peak to peak supply voltage, Rl is the speaker impedance load. For car voltage of 12Vdc, if we connect it to 4 Ohm speakers we will only have power of 144/32 = 4, 5 Watt. Bridging the amplifier will double the power, but will never be more than 40 W. If we want to make more powerful amplifier, lets say 170 watt at 4 ohm speaker load, we will need supply voltage of 74Vpp, or +/- 37 Vdc. The way to have this voltage from car supply of 12VDC is to make DC-DC converter. First stage is the stage that receives the input audio signal and Negative Feedback (NFB) signal from the output of the amp. Feedback is the back signal used to stabilized the audio amplifier, like the gain factor. For first stage built by discrete transistors, both signals is fed to basis of the transistor, like in fig1. Both basis of the transistors is the Non- Inverting input and Inverting Input, like those in the op-amp. We can explain those stages in a simple way like this : Input signal, like from car radio or CD player have low voltage, about 1Vpp with few milliampere current. To produce power of 170 Watt at 4 ohm speaker load, than the signal has to have maginitude of 28Vpp and current of 6. 5A (from the equation of P=I2*R = V2/R) The first stage receives this signal in the non-inverting input and the inverting input receives NFB signal to make sure the voltage gain that the amplifier produces has a constant number, lets say 28 x. The...

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