Three circuits of preamp tone controls by NE5532

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

A good quality preamp tone controls, a total of three circuits. We choose to use the NE5532 is main so interesting IC, because the ultra-low noise properties, it is commonly used in many fine audio. But these circuits are old. I have a circuits of friends. They has been small circuit with PCB layout. I hope them will be useful to you. good luck, thanks.

Three circuits of preamp tone controls by NE5532
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If you want Pre Tone Control Stereo circuit good some. I begs for to advise this circuit. Because use IC NE5532 make build and high-quality, price be inexpensive extremely. By this circuit can fine the bass treble well, and fine the loud sound the light. get fine to balance the sound everything is completed. You may want to exercise one`s skill. Want to try build the circuit has already. Invite can build leisurely sir. A friend of me wants Tone Control Stereo circuit at can control the sound bass-treble-volume well. I then seek this circuit be Tone Control Stereo (bass-treble) by IC NE5532 x2. It uses the integrated circuit op-amp at have low many noises or low noise. Make good sound. build easy with. This circuit uses 2 pcs. integrated circuits s have made a signal at just enough power apply to amplifier general well. Caution be you should use power supply circuit that be of good quality such as use IC LM7812- LM7912 etc. Besides IC1 and IC2 use the number can replace many the number such as NE5532 or LF353 or RC4558 etc. For the convenience to friends. I has press a picture model PCB already with request have fun building Tone Control Stereo (bass-treble) by IC NE5532 please sir.

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