Ultrasonic Sensor Switch

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

This is a ultrasonic motion detector (or movement detector) circuit. The circuit claimed has a high movement sensitivity. Even air moving (hot air rising, wind blowing) will trigger it when the trimpot is set near the most sensitive position. The transmitter sends out a steady ultrasonic tone at 40kHz. At this frequency the wavelength is. This is

Ultrasonic Sensor Switch
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the fire alarm circuit which use LDR to sense the smoke from the fire, so it can be used to detect any dark smoke. With the onset of summer season, possibilities of fire accidents go up. These fire accidents could be prevented if timely alarms are available. The circuit given right here alerts. Above circuit diagram is a easy, simple and cheap switching voltage regulator which has capability to deliver adjustable voltage output range of 1. 8V to 32V and static electric current of 3A. This regulator use adjustable regulator IC of LM317HV and a power PNP transistor of 2N3792. The LM317HV is adjustable 3-terminal positive voltage regulators capable. Here the long range/distance Infrared transmitter circuit, give you extra power for your Infrared transmitter. The majority of the IR remotes do the job reliably within a range of 5 metres. The circuit complexity increases in case you design the IR transmitter for good operation more than a extended distance, for example, 10 metres. To. Below is the circuit diagram and PCB layout of FM wireless microphone: The range of frequencies for the FM broadcast band is 90MHz (MHz = Megahertz or 90 million cycles per second). Because the FM microphone has a variable tuned circuit, it can be tuned to a quiet spot on your local FM broadcast band.

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