Visual Basic & AVR RS232 interface

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

On this project we will control anAVR microcontroller (MCU) via Visual Basic 6. The applications of this circuit is countless. You can make, anything you want, that needs control from a Personal Computer (PC)or from anycircuit collects data from sensors. Finally, itsends these data to Visual Basic based software by using the RS232 port. You have to know, this project

Visual Basic & AVR RS232 interface
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

is in generic form, to give you the idea of controlling aMCU through a serial port. You can modify the source codes to make yourown circuit but onlyfor personal use. Any commercial use of this project is not allowed. You can use for your experiments, anAVR development unit such asMCU100, STK200, STK500 or an AVRdevelopment boardthat contains 8 LEDs, 5 switches or more and some RS232 chip like MAX232, MAX202 etc. The software is named "AVR RS232 interface" and it`s writtenin Visual Basic 6. It`s constituted by the main windowand "about" window. On the generic mask you can choose the COMport you have connected the AVR board ( For development boards I mean the spareRS232 connector, not the connector that you programming the MCUs ). On the "Switches on interface" window, are5 green cycles. If you press any of these 5 switches on the AVR board, this cycle will be in red color. The value of the receivedcharacter canbe viewed in binary format, onthe below text box. On the "LEDs on interface" window, you will see 8 buttons with green color. When you press abutton you will see that the current led on AVR board will be turned-off. If you press it again, the LED will be turned-on. The value of the sentcharacter can be viewed in Decimal and ASCII format in two below text boxes.

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