Water Level Controller

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This is one of mine projects which can be helpful for controlling water level in water tank. I made it on one of Atarado SMART prototyping PCB for which I can tell all the best. Controller for water tank managing water pump and take care of water level. This is common problem of keeping level in between two limiting positions, and I used the simpl

Water Level Controller
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e wire as sensor. Those sensors switching upper and lower level when reached and tells controller when to turn on and off the water pump. Circuit is based on the cheapest Atmels microcontroller Atmel ATTINY13. I used Atarado UNI board which I get from Atarado`s testing samples. It made whole job easy as breeze. Microcontroller take care of sensors state and switches on the pump when water reach lower limit. Sensor is made of two simple wire and when it loses resistance to infinite, controller switches pump. Upper sensor made same job, but in reversed way. The switching on/of pump is through mosfet drived relay. The resistors of 1M are for liquid impedancy and when using clear water it is about 0. 5 to 1M.

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