automated angklung instrument

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This instrument is a computer controlled acoustical angklung designed and build in 2000. In 2006 it has undergone a major upgrade of the entire hardware. The anklungs themselves are made of hardened brass and tuned to a western scale covering two octaves. The instrument can be played by standard MIDI commands. It is mounted on a heavy duty trolley

automated angklung instrument
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and can be taken on the road for street performances. However, it is not rain resistent and should be protected against moisture. On june 21th its builder wrote a tango for this instrument. This composition was called `KlungelTango` and is scored for in combination with a singer or a melodica. The computer program was written in and is interactive. The piece can be performed on the street by a single performer. This tango was premiered on monday 4th of july, the melody performed by Karin Defleyt and the tango danced by the author with his partner, Moniek Darge. It was recorded for RTBF-television. The instrument was made and designed to be a part of the project realized for `Web Strikes Back` at the occasion of the Tromp biannual, october 2000 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. A first composition that became a part the the project is called `Klungels`. Both a version for the `Klung` as a simulator version using real samples recorded from `Klung` as well as a plain vanilla midi version is available as part for downloading from the Logos website. Work on this interactive software was also done by Kristof Lauwers. The musical range for this robot is: Detailed circuit of the PIC-boards themselves can be seen by clicking this link. Note that the solenoids we used have double windings, one winding for each direction of movement. Thus no return springs are mounted. The alternation of the...

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