brake sensor

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The brake pad warning light is designed to come on when the front brakes wear down to about 25% left on the pads. It is triggered by an insert in the pads that has two wires attached. The wiring and pad is part of a ground loop that starts at the instrument cluster, goes through both brake pads and to ground. Once this path is broken, the brake pa

brake sensor
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d warning light comes on. However, many aftermarket brake pad sets do not have the sensors installed. Therefore, the old sensors must be cut off the old pads, the wire insulation stripped, the wires twisted together, wrap them in electrical tape, fold them over and tie wrap the whole thing up. Then plug it into the car side harness. This maintains continuity in the circuit, which will prevent the brake pad wear sensor light from coming on. Brake sensor wiring cut off old pad, shorted out, taped up and tie wrapped in place. This will maintain circuit continuity so the brake pad warning light won`t come on. In the case that this was done, but the light still comes on, it needs to be troubleshot. The following outlines how to troubleshoot the bad connection. Remember, the circuit should be a short circuit. The brake pad warning light comes on when the circuit opens. The brake pad warning light circuit is a ground path loop. When this ground path is interrupted (open circuited, like turning a light switch off), the brake pad warning light (K32 in image) comes on. The brake pad wear circuit starts from the back of the instrument cluster (pin 25 on red 26 pin connector), through the firewall somewhere, to T3g, pin 1 (3 pin connector back left of engine compartment) to N13, which is the brake pad wear indicator, left. It then goes back to T3g, pin 2 and over to T3h, pin 2 to N12, the right brake pad wear indicator. Then back...

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