cheap motors with arduino

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Motor shields worked well - but they cost around $50 each, more than the Arduino itself. That`s fine for a single one, but I`m teaching an Arduino workshop (this Thursday!) for high school girls, and I needed something I could buy more cheaply so I could get more of them. (Incidentally, if any women in the Bay Area want to help with the workshopthis Thursday, June 28

cheap motors with arduino
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2012, I could definitely use a few more helpers! Please drop me an email. ) What I found on the web and on the Arduino IRC channel was immensely confusing to someone who isn`t an electronics expert - most people recommended things like building custom H-bridge circuits out of zener diodes. But it`s not that complicated after all. I got the help I needed from ITP Physical Computing`s DC Motor Control Using an H-Bridge. It turns out you can buy a chip called an SN754410 that implements an H-bridge circuit - including routing a power source to the motors while keeping the Arduino`s power supply isolated - for under $2. I ordered my SN754410 chips from Jameco and they arrived the next day. (Technically, the SN754410 is a "quad half-bridge" rather than an "dual h-bridge". In practice I`m not sure of the difference. There`s another chip, the L298, which is a full h-bridge and is also cheap to buy - but it`s a bit harder to use because the pins are wonky and it doesn`t plug in directly to a breadboard unless you bend the pins around. I decided to stick with the SN754410; but the L298 might be better for high-powered motors. ) Now, the SN754410 isn`t as simple to use as a motor shield. It has a lot of wires - for two motors, you`ll need six Arduino output pins, plus a 5v reference and ground, the four wires to the two motors, and the two wires to the motor power supply. Here`s the picture of the wiring, made with Fritzing. With...

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