micro stepper

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

In a traditional microstepping motor controller, many parallel outputs of a microcontroller are used which are then converted to analog signals using a DAC and fed through a power amplifier to the motor coils. This approach is inefficient both in terms of the power consumed and the number of GPIO`s used thus increasing the design complexity. Our system described herein is

micro stepper
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

an efficient alternative using just two GPIO pads to carry out microstepping. As a result, the whole package fits into an 8 pin device and can be aptly called "The world`s smallest Microstepping Motor Controller. " The design utilizes the full power of the 8 pin, 8 bit AtTiny microcontroller providing features such as: I was primarily involved with the visualization of the idea and the electronic (hardware and embedded software) part of this project while Deepansh developed the UI in MS visual studio and assisted in writing the microcontroller code.

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