parallel PIC

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The purpose of this project is to construct a computer that uses the combined computational power of many microcontrollers (MCUs). All the MCUs cooperate to solve one problem. The computer is defined as parallel processing  machine and the algorithms that are executed on it are called parallel algorithms . The machine can be used as an educat

parallel PIC
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ional system that will help the development, understanding and fine-tuning of many parallel algorithms. It can also be used to achieve high performance in many cases such as in Digital Signal Processing. The computer can be easily constructed by an amateur. However the efficient use of it requires more effort as the development and implementation of parallel algorithms is a rather difficult task. The next section makes a brief introduction to parallel processing computers. Section 3 describes the hardware, while section 4 describes the supporting software (i. e. the software that runs on the PC plus the firmware that lies on the "parallel computer" board). Section 5 explains and demonstrates some parallel algorithms that run on this parallel computer. Finally, section 6 holds the conclusions. The source code of the samples is held at compressed file " ParallelPIC_examples. zip ". The code for the supporting software that runs on the PC is stored into file " ParallelPIC_PCcode_V2. zip " and the source code (and the hex files) of the firmware is stored into the file " ParallelPIC_firmwareV2. zip ". This parallel computer is of type Single Instruction Multiple Data  (SIMD) which means that all MCUs execute the same program, but each MCU works with different data. (As a matter of fact, there are time instances where only one subset of the MCUs executes actual code while the other MCUs do nothing. This is inherent in some...

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