program pic16f887 using linux

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

One of the drawbacks for some of us is that Linux support for PICs is not very well known. The information is out there, but no one has laid out the process of going from writing C code to programming a chip. Written for Linux users that are familiar with microcontrollers, basic circuits, the C programming language, and can read a datasheet,

program pic16f887 using linux
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this how-to should get you up and programming a PIC quickly with Linux. The Small Device C Compiler, sdcc is what will be used to create the. hex file needed to program a PIC. Support for PICs is still growing, and still in beta, so be aware that things outside the code and chips of this article may need some debugging. However, like every other open source project out there, more contributing users will help the project. Best of all, it is free, with ports to Windows and MacOS X, this is a compiler that handles many architectures and devices without the program limit of free versions of for-pay compilers that are limited to Windows. Sdcc is available through various distributions` package managers including Ubuntu and Fedora. Three different PIC chips were used in the writing of this tutorial: the 40 pin PIC16F887, the 14 pin PIC16F688, and the 8 pin PIC12F675. You can follow along with any of these chips as well as other chips. We will be using two programmers, Olimex`s PICStart+ compatible PIC-MCP-USB programmer, and Microchip`s PICkit 2. Both programmers have been tested to work with the three chips used here. Note that Microchip touts the PICkit 3 as a replacement for the PICkit 2. It is not a replacement for the PICkit 2 as there are no Linux drivers for the PICkit 3, so do not buy the PICkit 3 thinking it will work in Linux. There is also another program that claims to work with a range of DIY PIC programmers:...

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