pulser 15hz 30khz zapper circuit

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Modify a zapper circuit (like the Hulda Clark Zapper) to get two differente frequencies. One switch to make the pulse to 15Hz and the other to 30. 000Hz. The nominal frequency for that circuit is 35kHz (35, 000 Hz), not 30 Hz. You can cut the frequency in half by putting another 0. 0047uF cap in parallel with C2. Put a switch in series with the new cap if you want to be able to switch between the two frequencies.

pulser 15hz 30khz zapper circuit
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If you need 30 Hz and 15 Hz, some values need to be changed. Post here if that is what you want. I have this zapper circuit (that one with the link), I was "sure" that circuit had a 30KHz frequency, and you told me that the correct value is 35KHz (it was a surprise). The objective is a pulse of square waves to stimulates the homeophatic medicines and increase it`s power and get better results with people in pain or strong infections. Zaanor, use the existing circuit for 30kHz. If duty cycle (pulse width to period ratio) isn`t critical, you can change R1 to 2. 4k to get closer to the nominal frequency. You will still be at the mercy of the component tolerances. Ron H is correct, I was off line doing the calculations myself. I calculated just like Ron H. Replace R1 with a 2. 4K. I chose not to use the electrolytic in place of C2. Instead if C2 is replaced with a 0. 47uf, R1 and R2 both become 68K. But here again Ron H`s solution is the easiest. This zapper was pluged into an wave generator for a research in homeophatics. We send these waves generated into the medicine for better results avoid the disesases. The results were great ! We want to try some improvements into frequency and power. So, we would like to make a generator from 2Hz or 5Hz until 2MHz, using tubes. It wuld be interesting is we can select the frequencies like a radio. I thought you were experimenting with the late Dr. Royal Rife`s technology as it also...

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