sine to square triangle wave

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

If you need a triangle wave signal or a square one but you only have a sinewave generator, use this converter to avoid the trouble of beginning from scratch. It is made up of two ICs: one LM13700 and one TL084. The amplitude of the squarewave can be varied through P1 while potentiometer P2 varies the amplitude of the trianglewave signal. The conve

sine to square triangle wave
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rter can process signals from 6 Hz up to 60 kHz. In many function generators, a triangle wave generator (which is usually made of a schmitt-trigger combined with an integrator) is the heart of the circuit. The resulting sine wave is then synthesized from the triangle wave with the help of special diode networks. The circuit featured here, however, does it the other way around. First, the sinewave is reshaped to a triangle. Finally, the triangle is reshaped to a square wave. The sinewave is, however, not generated by this circuit. Therefore, you must get it from a sinewave source. The sinewave is reshaped by the opamp IC1A. The two resistors R3 and R4 reduce the output level of the IC1A, since this output level swings back and forth from negative 15 volts to positive 15 volts. The signal coming from IC1A is integrated by the combination of the transconductance amplifier IC1 and capacitor C2. The integration time factor can be easily adjusted with a preset voltage level fed to pin 1 of IC1. The opamp IC2B is added to the circuit to act as an impedance converter. It prevents voltage shifts at the capacitor C2 that might happen due to overloading. The trianglewave can be sampled right from the output of IC2B. The following IC2C compares the trianglewave s amplitude with the value which is preset through P2. The output of IC2C controls the current regulator at the output of IC1A. This technique guarantees that the amplitude of...

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