the remote intellectual pronunciation anti-theft alarm system design of the one-chip computer

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

Take precautions against the coefficient is low, the safety is bad, the applicable space is smaller and smaller. With the development of science and technology, people develop already the intersection of door and magnetic, touch-type, the intersection of radar and monitor, the intersection of infrared rays and the intersection of person who monitor and a series of alerting

 the remote intellectual pronunciation anti-theft alarm system design of the one-chip computer
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automatic telling status, the automaticity of these alarm system is high, the suitability is strong, have intelligent the certain one. But when being Give the alarm can`t notify victim of a crime in time while being systematic mostly. The situation to this, this text has designed a kind of intellectual pronunciation burglar alarming system of remote based on AT89C52, system this find, can steal feeling call number in time, can pay alerting signal call out with Ordinary Telephone Line, notify the victim of a crime in time. It is strong that this system has high, practicability of intelligent procedure, such characteristics as reliable performance is steady. This system is by AT89C52 one chip microcomputer, detection circuit of the signal, reset circuit, telephone number preserve the circuit, detection circuit of the ringing, Simulated Off-Hook and hang electromechanical No. , dial-up circuit and speech circuit to make up, the systematic structured flowchart is shown as in Fig. 1. What DTMF code transmitting line is sent is to preset the telephone number in CPU easy to store by the incoming circuit of the telephone number by users, this number can be set up at will, it can be urban program-controlled telephone, mobile phone, etc. The flow block diagram is shown as in Fig. 2, when the detection circuit of the signal measures someone to intrude upon, namely send out the triggering signal, this signal, as the alarm signal,...

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