Press light switch double circuit 4

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

A use NF, double touch lamp ~ 55 base circuit made of switches. 2ZOV AC by [1-, c:, VDI, vs simple composition of a single power save buck and a half crossing fetters flow regu

Press light switch double circuit 4
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lator circuit, but also through after C, resistant end-cho of about 1ZV about DC voltage for the time base tU Road electricity. Need to open the lamp, just plain hand touch the Refuse electrode sheet Ml, human induced noise signal after rectified by the VD2 gave time-based circuit trigger input terminal feet into a negative signal to the time base circuit set position, feet high output, relay K to their station suction units accounted for kl contact closure, Chan E electric powered light. Turn off the lights when needed, just before touch - down beauty electrode sheet M2. Sense of human blood clutter signal rectified by VD3, the time base circuit threshold associative end pin input signal a coin, immediately reset the time base circuit output terminal lost thirty feet low, the relay K release, Chan E electrical flameout. (1. Requests resistant to E r is 400V and poly-ene capacitors, R, R. To use good quality high value resistor, such as metal film resistors will .K available JZC-22F, DC12V power in a small electromagnetic relay, the other element is the special requirements of their lC circuit with AC mains connection, lay phase, neutral position must be shown in Figure pjf, otherwise the circuit is not reliable work properly.

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