
Posted on Aug 15, 2012

A tricolor LED, acts as the visual indicator of the voltage level. The voltage to be measured is connected to the two comparators in parallel. The first 20-KO trimmer defines a voltage between ±5 V and this becomes the full-scale value of the reference voltage. The second trimmer is a fine adjustment to give any reference voltage between 0 V and the full-scale voltage. Thus, it is possible to select both positive and negative reference voltages.

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During the initialization procedure, a voltage, equal to the reference voltage of each comparator, is connected to the input terminal, and the offset balance potentiometer is adjusted to give a reading between the high and low output voltage levels. The inverter following comp A ensures that, whatever the input voltage, at least one diode is lit. The two inverters following comp B leave the voltage largely unchanged, but provide the current necessary to illuminate the diode. The value of the resistance should be chosen so that the current through any single diode does not exceed the specified limit, usually 30 mA. The LED contains a red and a green diode with a common cathode. When both diodes are lit, a third color, orange, is emitted. With VcetA greater than VcerB, the output states given in the diagram apply.

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