Continuity in Circuit Tester

Posted on Sep 28, 2012

Continuity tester to check continuity in the circuit (Insakittochekka) is. The continuity check over the circuit board wiring that can be checked at a lower voltage semiconductors do not conduct contained in the circuit, you can just check the wiring short miscarriage pure unaffected parts.

Continuity in Circuit Tester
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Schematic that I'll know to take a look and are used in digital IC and analog operation. First, using Input Threshold 1/2Vcc to become, over the output voltage to approximately 1.7V feedback to keep the inverter, and output it. Circuit to measure voltage drop of 0.2V or less, the voltage of 1.5V and above the recipient, the buzzer will sound running oscillator. The conduction of the semiconductor ring because the voltage drop to around 0.5 ~ 0.6V. If the sound is pure resistance below 500?.

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