Distortion Analyzer

Posted on May 11, 2012

The pre-distortion circuit described here is extremely simple (Figure 1) and only requires one trimmer adjustment, though you`ll need an accurate way to measure THD in order to achieve the best results. A dedicated distortion analyzer to help you adjust the linearizer circuit is shown later in this article. This analyzer has turned out to be one of the most useful little gadgets I have, given its simplicity and incredibly low price. The only thing keeping it from being lab quality is that it uses switched rather than continuously tuned frequencies. Therefore, you must adjust your sine wave generator to match its frequencies, rather than the other way around.

Distortion Analyzer
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

At the heart of any THD meter is a notch filter that can completely remove the original test frequency. After filtering, it is an easy task to measure the harmonics and noise that remain, and relate them to the total signal as a percentage. It also helps

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