Imitation AURA-VA50 Amplifier

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

AURA VA50 company is famous for, from about 1989 to begin production (from this point we can see AURA company s history is very short) opening a launch would cause the aircraft

Imitation AURA-VA50 Amplifier
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enthusiasts worldwide attention, and thereby determining the style in the company AURA manufactured after VA amplifier series has been retained. Now difficult to see from the appearance of VA80SE VA100 and mouth distinction between early VA50 VA50 biggest feature is simple (in line with the simple first principle fever), which is not only in its appearance, but also in and on its internal circuitry, the circuit where the most characteristic is the high magnification power amplifier, since the magnification up to several times the loo (40dB), as well as eliminates the need for a preamplifier, so its interior is actually a step functions amplifier. In addition, to take into account those LP enthusiasts, also established its internal core of a NE5532 RIAA are balanced amplifier. But for the vast majority of domestic enthusiasts, it would be difficult to use this feature. AURA main amplifier circuit shown in Figure 7-38, the circuit is in fact very similar to the Octopus DCf 211B, since the output using a MOSFET, it can save power driven stage, so that the whole circuit is more concise. In addition to the overall amplifier circuit original beam pupa Hitachi FET power on the tube, the other elements are the use of materials in general. Because the circuit is very simple, it is very generic and therefore easy and convenient in order to save costs, while most domestic imitation omitted enthusiasts have very heap used RIAA function. Based on years of experience.

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