OCL power amplifying circuit

Posted on Dec 11, 2010

Figure 1-30 is an example of an OCL power amplifier circuit, the following specific analysis: In Figure 1-30, VTi, VTz form a single-ended input and differential input single-e

OCL power amplifying circuit
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nded output amplifier circuit. Signal from the input pole base VTi, VTi from the mother VT3 collector output level to promote, it is by a PNP transistor consisting of a total of hair emitter amplifier circuit, where the use of the PNP and pre-conjugated to the NPN tube adapter, easy midpoint voltage of dying oVT4, VTs and VT6, VT7 composition of the composite quasi-complementary class AB push-pull power output stage. f) 1, f compliance with the islands push-pull output stage quiescent bias circuit, the output stage in class AB, the island can adjust its operating point adjustment. R: r is negative feedback resistor for adjusting the gain of the circuit and the static stability midpoint voltage VD. Machine with a V + and V two symmetrical power, the output signal symmetry. Shown in Figure 1-30, in the positive half cycle of the input signal, the output signal is positive half cycle o At this time, VT4, VTs lead pass, VT6, VT7 off. As long as the input signal is strong enough, you can make when you enter a positive signal peak, VTs approaching saturation and the region, which pressure drop is V mouth. If the signal is ignored Rl4 drop on the output signal of the positive peak voltage v + a 1vais :: : V ~ Similarly, when the input signals negative peak, negative peak output signal voltage is aiming V V ten V a. Therefore, the circuit output voltage distortion maximum peak value of 2V. If the input signal is sinusoidal crossing, the maximum does not lose the power Ponr-ax y + 2/2RLo In this case, the power source output as compared to PE V + 2/rRLo the two values, in order to calculate the efficiency of the circuit Kun 78.5%.

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