Domino Box trick

Posted on Oct 8, 2012

The design uses tactile sense (or rather, neural sense) to reveal the contents of a box. The box contains 4 shapes, as in a child`s shape sorter. The conjurer asks a person to secretly remove from the box any shape or shapes of his or her choosing, then to close the box, and to place a silk over it. The conjurer then rests a hand on the silk, and through `extra-sensory powers` reveals the contents of the box.

Domino Box trick
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The trick works as follows: each of the 4 shapes hides within it a magnet or magnets. The circuit sends a series of low-current high-voltage pulses to the surface of the box (by way of metal hinges, screws, or studs). When a shape is removed from its rece

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