Soft ON/OFF switch circuit

Posted on Oct 5, 2012

When the `ON/OFF` button is pressed once, the equipment goes on and stays on. It goes off when the button is pressed again. The circuit is straight forward. It uses a JK CMOS FlipFlop to with its JK terminals tied high to achieve the toggling action. The clock is provided by the push button used for on/off action. The resistor and the capacitor near the on/off switch debounces the contacts. Note that when the circuit is switched on, the relay may land in a on or off state. It can be brought to the off state by pressing the RESET button.

Soft ON/OFF switch circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

Modern electronic equipment incorporate "push-to-on-push-to-off" switches that do not make the clicking noise as with old equipment. An example of this is the power button on a ATX computer cabinet. Here is a circuit that does the same. It can b

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