Positive and negative from a battery LT1010

Posted on Apr 23, 2012

A common need in many systems is to obtain positive and negative supplies from a single battery. Where current requirements are small, the circuit shown is a simple solution. It provides symmetrical +&- output voltages, both equal to one half the input voltage. The output voltages are referenced to pin 3, output common. If the input voltage between pin 8 and pin 5 exceeds 6 V, pin 6 should also be connected to pin 3, as shown by the dashed line.

Positive and negative from a battery LT1010
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

Higher current requirements are served by an LT1010 buffer.The splitter circuit can source or sink up to +&- 150mA with only 5mA quiescent current. The output capacitor, C2, can be made as large as necessary to absorb current transients. An input capacito

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