Capacitor Charger Lead Acid Battery

Posted on Feb 23, 2013

Leaving aside the complex chargers, `stuffed` electronics capacitor charger is one of the best connections. Charging current is limited by the resistor (or other element of the changing excess energy into heat), but the reactance of the capacitor to the primary side. The charger is not heated, the greatest loss occurs only at the transformer and rectifier diode. Connecting the charger is in the picture 1 . On the primary side switch is transformátru P?1a, which we include in series with the primary winding of the transformer capacitors C1 to C3. Capacitors its reactance to limit current through the primary winding. B

Capacitor Charger Lead Acid Battery
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ecause the transformer has a conversion ratio of about 10:1, is transformed on the secondary side current of about 10 times larger. Transformers also provide galvanic isolation from the mains charger output. P?1b switch only serves to connect the neon indicator. On the secondary side will be sufficient in the case nejjednduím rectifier diode D1. Here, the circuit is completed with a protective circuit and gauge output current and voltage. The capacitor charger is unfortunately one major vice. Output terminals can easily be shorted, but may not be unconnected to the load. The primary winding of the transformer is with limiting capacitor form a resonant circuit that may nakmitat much higher voltage than the voltage. Then we have two choices - either we can use capacitors and transformers to "withstand" voltage to 2 kV, and we must never let unconnected output when the charger is enabled. Here, the connection uses capacitors and transformers for standard voltage, it is accompanied by a protective circuit which short-circuits the secondary winding of the transformer is not connected to any load. The protective circuit is composed of Ty1 thyristor, diodes D2 and D3, resistor R2 and capacitor C4. Increases when the voltage across the secondary winding 18, and closes the thyristor short-circuits it. Slight overshoot will cause the thyristor immediately closed again. During the positive half-wave and closes several times, see...

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