Power Buzzer

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

How often on average do you have to call members of your family each day to tell them that dinner is ready, it`s time to leave, and the like The person you want is usually in a different room, such as the hobby room or bedroom. A powerful buzzer in the room, combined with a pushbutton at the bottom of the stairs or in the kitchen, could be very h

Power Buzzer
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andy in such situations. The heart of this circuit is formed by IC1, a TDA2030. This IC has built-in thermal protection, so it`s not likely to quickly give up the ghost. R1 and R2 apply a voltage equal to half the supply voltage to the plus input of the opamp. R3 provides positive feedback. Finally, the combination of C2, R4 and trimmer P12 determines the oscillation frequency of the circuit. The frequency of the tone can also be adjusted using P1. There is no volume control, since you always want to get attention when you press push-button S1. Fit the entire circuit where you want to have the push-button. The loudspeaker can then be placed in a strategic location, such as in the bedroom or wherever is appropriate. Use speaker cable to connect the loudspeaker. Normal bell wire can cause a significant power loss if the loudspeaker is relatively far away. The loudspeaker must be able to handle a continuous power of at least 6 W (with a 20-V supply voltage). The power quickly drops as the supply voltage decreases (P = Urms 2 / RL). The power supply for this circuit is not particularly critical. However, it must be able to provide sufficient current. A good nominal value is around 400 mA at 20 V. At 4 V, it will be approximately 25 mA. Most likely, you can find a suitable power supply somewhere in your hobby room. Otherwise, you can certainlynd a low-cost power supply design in our circuits archive that willll the bill!

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