Robots Bandpass Filter Calculator

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

They are op-amp based filters and are most useful in the audio frequency range. These parts calculators are based on formulas and tables from the book ` Electronic Filter Design Handbook ` by Arthur B. Williams. Bandpass filters pass a contiguous range of frequencies while attenuating those above and below the passband. The calculators compute parts values

Robots Bandpass Filter Calculator
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for both 4 and 6 pole multiple-feeback bandpass (MFBP) filters. Click here for a tutorial on Bandpass filters. Paul Falsted has a great online interactive Java program to help visualize filter responses with different poles and response types. Use it to see how a particular filter will perform. Select the desired filter type from the drop down menu. Butterworth is optimized for flat frequency response in the pass band. Chebyshev sacrifices flatness for a steeper roll off in the stop band. This version has 0. 1 dB of passband ripple. Bessel filters sacrifice both flatness and roll off for linear phase in the pass band. Select the desired value for the capacitors. All the capacitors in the circuit are identical and for best results should be 1% tolerance. For midrange audio frequencies 0. 01 uF is a good starting point. Note: Narrow bandwidth filters require tighter component tolerances than wide band filters. Enter the desired voltage gain. This the the ratio of the output to input voltage, not dB. If you select a gain higher than the circuit can deliver you will see "ERROR" in the output data values. Max gain will vary depending on bandwidth and number of sections. Click COMPUTE and read the resistor values. If the values are not optimum try a different capacitor value and try again. For best results use 1% tolerance resistors. Also computed are the Q and center frequency of each section of the filter. If the Q is too high...

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