Yves OESCH HB9DTX Transceivers modifications

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The original firmware is usable on the amateur radio bands, but is not very convenient to use. Wulf-Gerd, DL1FAC has developped a new firmware that is much more `ham-friendly`. It is open source. With this firmware you can change the frequency as you like, change the power, set the squelch, . I highly recommand to update to this customized firmwar

Yves OESCH HB9DTX Transceivers modifications
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e. See below to get your own copy. You need to erase the EPROM with an UV eraser and burn it again with Wulf-Gerd`s binary, using a suitable EPROM programmer. Of course the original radio firmware is also usable if you really want to use it or if you don`t have access to an EPROM programmer. You can programm it through the user interface, but it`s very long and painful. Best is to use a simple MAX-232 level converter and a slow enough PC (pentium with win98 is OK) to run the the programming software developped by PE2HVL. On the hardware side if you have got a 2 meters version, you don`t need to change anything. If you have a 70cm version, you need to add about 10 pF in parallel to each VCO (TX and RX) and adjust the whole RX chain. Use of an RF generator, or a transceiver testset helps a lot. The trunking version of the radio (BG ndelfunk in german) needs a different clock frequency of the CPU (8. 4672MHz instead of 4. 2336MHz) therefore to avoid modifications on the circuit, there is the Trunking firmware version The software can be contained in an 27C128 EPROM. This chip might be quite hard to find, and some versions of the radio have been shipped with 27C256 EPROM. In this case you have to double the size of the binary file before burning it into the EPROM. To do this in an easy way, the following DOS command can help you: "copy /b file1. bin+file1. bin file2. bin" Note that these firmwares are only to be used for...

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