Induction automatic switch circuit

Posted on Dec 11, 2010

Constant current protection circuit type, since the over-current and short-circuit, the output current is limited only to a certain value, the output voltage drops, the overcur

Induction automatic switch circuit
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rent room a little longer, power management and power CW200 is still possible due to excessive damage. Shown for the reduced flow high current regulator 12-44. It lies in the use of Zener diode vs impact on VT1: When the amount exceeds the value of the output current flows through the sensing resistor R., The protective crystal tube VT1 conduction, the circuit into a constant-current protection status. When the output voltage drops to the implicit value of the pressure regulator diode vs UD time (10V) or less, vs by VD2, RP3, RP2 to the base of VT1 injection current causes the output voltage Uo into a further decline, vs will be maintained in CW200 protection status main factor, R. Pressure drop becomes a secondary factor, which played a protection device and power tube effect. Circuit RP2 to micro adjust the current limit, RP3 used to adjust the degree of reduction processes. A brief review of the integrated regulator CW200 three basic usage. When using this regulator, should pay attention to add enough wattage large heat sink, a heat sink in accordance with Pw Jo (U, - soul) estimate, where L is the output current, U; the input voltage, U is value of the output voltage t goblets -UO to 5-8v appropriate. When using the regulator input and output capacitor must eliminate vibration with no sense of capacitors.

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