Cd Ignition System For Autos Circuit

Posted on Oct 6, 2012

At the heart of the CD4-MX is an astable multivibrator, built around Q1 and Q2, that feeds step-up transformer Tl. The output of 1 is rectified by D3 to D6 and used to charge capacitor C4. When the points close, a small voltage is fed to the gate of SCR1, causing it to fire, dumping the charge of C4 to the vehicle`s ignition coil. The circuit also contains optional subcircuits to accommodate different types of auto ignitions.Xl5 + and X15 - are alternative trigger configurations for nonpoint breaker ignition systems.

Cd Ignition System For Autos Circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

R6 is not used for these systems and must be removed. Optocoupler Ul can be used (pin 4) in conjunction withX15 - orXI5 + depending on polarity of sensor. Note that 60 to 70 kVis available from this system,,so observe suitable safety precautions.

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