6 Battery Tesla Switch Power Mosfet Uses No Schottky Power Diodes

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

If the total circuit resistance can be reduced significantly to less than 0. 1 Ohm & a load of 0. 4 Ohm or less is connected, over 1 Kilo Watt of free electrical energy can be obtained. There are two discrete voltage regulating stages, one is shown in the circuit below, while the other ones are shown in the mosfet gate drive circuits in part A & part B. The input voltage to the

6 Battery Tesla Switch Power Mosfet Uses No Schottky Power Diodes
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isolated power supplies must be voltage regulated in a similar manner as shown or you can use a mini switching regulator or any volt device. The positive terminals of Battery 3 & Battery 6 must not be connected together because one is part of the charge circuit & the other is part of the discharge circuit. This circuit is intended to use discrete components to regulate the input voltage of the voltage regulator to 12 or 13 volts & to maintain that input voltage under all circumstances by making use of all 6 lead acid batteries. It is very difficult to maintain the correct input voltage to the switch mode power supply without some assistance from a higher voltage supply, such as 24 or 36 volts. Efficiency is not important here, however what is important is that the switch mode power supply is able to provide an isolated 12 volt supply to all of the power mosfet switches. This will provide a permanent load on all of the batteries, which will not only show when free energy is being created but will help to prevent over charging as well.

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