2011 Rife Beam Ray System

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

This document describes a Rife Beam-Ray system which was designed and constructed using the latest information available about Royal Rife`s actual frequencies. This system uses a novel method of generating the proper modulation frequency for the 3. 1 MHz carrier, and describes the design and operation of the control circuit logic required for that

2011 Rife Beam Ray System
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purpose. A method of coupling the power RF amplifier to the Rife Tube that eliminates the commonly used antenna tuner is described. Schematics and construction data are also provided. Since 1997 I have constructed several different types of Rife Beam-Ray systems. The earlier versions operated on the Bare-Rife principle, where a 27 MHz carrier was square-wave modulated by a sequential series of audio frequency signals. After reviewing the currently available data from many researchers and experimenters, I decided to construct a system which would incorporate the latest frequency data findings as well as some of my own ideas which would allow me to simplify the construction and operation of the system, and make it easier for less technically skilled persons to assemble such a system. The first task was to determine exactly which carrier and modulation frequencies would likely be the most useful. Please refer to the following documents that are located on the web site, . The pertinent documents are: for the how any why of it all. This page allows you to read each chapter on-line. If you prefer, the entire document may be downloaded as a large PDF file at:. The system has to perform several interrelated operations to be useful. First, it must be capable of generating the correct Rife frequencies. By using a 3. 1 MHz carrier combined with a separate 25, 000 to 500 Hz square wave modulation frequency, the correct frequencies may...

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