8 function christmas lamp

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This 8 function serial Christmas lamp controller is based on the IC UTC 8156 from Unisonic. Specially designed for the same purpose, the UTC 8156 can control the four lamps in 8 modes namely waves, sequential, slo-gol, chasing/flash, slow fade, twinkle/flash, steady ON and auto scan. Control signals for controlling the lamps will be available at p

8 function christmas lamp
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in 12 to pin 15 of the IC. SCRs are used to drive the lamps according to these control signals. I need help with something related to this. I bought a couple of led xmas lights using a 8 function mini controller. I opened it up and it looks similar to this. I installed it just below the roofline, so I attacked a switch lower to the ground. I noticed that if left switch off for a long period of time the light revert to the original setting of combination (all sequences will be played in intervals) when I had set it to steady on. Since it is too high to reach the controller every time is there a way to keep it steady on by uhmm I don`t know maybe cutting a connection or jumping one Any help would be great. Thanks

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