DS1820 thermometer circuit

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This DS18S20 digital thermometer provides a precision of 0. 5 °C and SCRATCHPAD it`s read at every 800ms. Capacitors C5, C6 and diodes D8, D8 makes a voltage doublers which power the lcd panel. The DS18S20 temperature sensor it`s wrapped in a thermo contractil tube. For connection cable I chose a type used in audio (coaxial stereo) that is only 1 m

DS1820 thermometer circuit
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long, perfect for most applications. ;=lcd digital thermometer with ds18s20 Version 2. 1=14/11/03= ; iic lcd driver: PCF2103 ; ra0, ra1 iic sclock, sdata ; ra2, ra3 pwm, ds1820 data I/O ; internal clock ; standard crystal 4. 194 MHz XT -. 95us pe instructiune ; ;- list p=16f84;f=inhx8m #INCLUDE P16F84. INC _CP_OFF equ H`3FFF` ;code protect off _PwRTE_ON equ H`3FFF` ;Power on timer on _wDT_OFF equ H`3FFB` ;watch dog timer off _XT_OSC equ H`3FFD` ;crystal oscillator _CONFIG _CP_OFF & _PwRTE_ON & _wDT_OFF & _XT_OSC ;- ; cpu init count1 equ 0C count2 equ 0D count3 equ 0E transo equ 0F ratb equ 10 dig1 equ 11 dig2 equ 12 dig3 equ 13 semn equ 14 #DEFINE sclk PORTA, 0 #DEFINE sdta PORTA, 1 #DEFINE osc PORTA, 2 #DEFINE grad PORTA, 3 ;- ;- ; cpu init org 0x00 goto init org 0x04 ; ;- init call usaex call usbex movlw 0x00 movwf PORTA movwf PORTB clrf semn ;* ;* ;* Lcd init commands * ;* lcd_ini call iict ; i2c start movlw 0x74 ; device write address (75h for read) call act ; i2c send subroutine movlw 0x00 ; Co, RS=0, set instruction register for multiple next command bytes call act movlw 0x31 ; extended instruction set call act movlw 0x02 ; set screen configuration left to right call act movlw 0x05 ; set display configuration call act movlw 0x08 ; set icon mode, full mode, icon blink disable call act movlw 0x30 ; normal instruction set call act movlw 0x0C ; set display on call act movlw 0x06 ; set cursor move direction call act movlw...

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