200 solar charged remote control lawn mower

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

Create a device that did not rely on gasoline, was simple to operate, could be used as a backup energy source, and to share with others how I built the device. The how-to video series is setup very similar to my previous large project which was showing others how to build a 63W solar panel and solar powered system. There are a total of 14 videos, including the intro video, where I explain in great detail how I created the SCRCELM.

200 solar charged remote control lawn mower
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

If you have any questions, please visit my FAQ page first, and if your question is not listed there, visit my contact page at: Robert-Smith. net. I put a lot of time and effort into producing these videos, so if you find them interesting or helpful, please rate, subscribe, or leave a comment. The amount of time it took to complete this project was roughly 130 man hours. Most of the time was spent creating the aluminum frame. The next bulk of time was spent on research and development. I estimated the weight of the device to be a little over 200lbs. The total cost of the project was estimated to be a little over $1500. 00. Some of the most expensive items were the rechargeable electric lawn mower, solar panels, solar charge controller, motor controller, and electric wheelchair motors.

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