Induction Cooker

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

As per a recent study conducted by a US Government agency, Induction cooking is the most energy efficient cooking method compared to electrical heaters, gas and microwave ovens. There are other new cooking methods such as Halogen Cooking, find our article on Halogen Cookers(Ovens) here. Induction cooker(or induction chulha) is mainly based on the

Induction Cooker
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electromagnetic induction technology. Current generates variable magnetic field after running through the wire coil. Eddy current is generated at the bottom when the magnetic field induces the cooker plate. A large amount of thermal energy produced can heat the bottom quickly, thus heating up the food very fast, thus a more efficient and power saving technique for cooking. In other forms of cooking, the heat is being generated in the stove top by electrical coils or burning gas, but here in Induction Cooktop, heat is generated directly in the cooking vessel, thus its more efficient. To be used on an induction cooker, a cooking vessel must be made of a ferromagnetic metal like steel, iron etc. Induction cookers are faster and more energy-efficient than traditional electric cookers. They allow instant control of temperature and electricity similar to gas burners. The possibility of burn injury is significantly less than with other methods as induction heats the cooking vessel itself, not the surface; the surface of the cook top is only heated from contact with the vessel, hence this method is the most efficient cooking method. There are no flames or red-hot electric heating elements as found in traditional cooking equipment. The induction effect does not heat the air around the vessel, resulting in further energy efficiency. Tip: Is your food burning while cooking on Induction Cook Top Don`t worry, from my experience it is...

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