Micro Power Transmitting Station

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

The purpose of this report is to provide background and findings or our senior project. We will discuss four steps that we used to complete our final project. The four steps of our project were research and development, design, construction, and test & acceptance. Building an AM transmitter allowed our group to apply our circuit design, fabricatio

Micro Power Transmitting Station
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n skills, logical troubleshooting practices, and to prove theory of operation. It is our intent to show the step by step process of how to build and operate a micro power AM transmitter station. When you have read our report, our findings will show that this project was more than throwing parts on to a circuit board. We will show how, what, why, and when as directed by the instructor and give reason and understanding to our approach. Anyone that reads this report will gain the knowledge of how to design and implement a totally legal micro power AM transmitter station. We decided on a micro power transmitter station because it allowed us to utilize all the skills that we have acquired attending Devry University. We had many labs throughout our studies exploring the principles and theories behind digital and analog devices. We wanted to construct a project that incorporated several key elements of our electronics program. For this project we would implement a component level construction that we would improve through test and acceptance to an industry standard following guidelines mandated by the FCC. With an improved design and a little patience, we would able to produce a very useful device that could be set up to broadcast any message of the operator ’s choice or music to a small receiving area. The exact requirements to classify our project as a micro power transmitter station. Our team was formed because of our mutual...

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