Phase shift and Wiens bridge oscillator

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

A complete description is given upon generation of required frequency by using phase shift method along with the advantages and limitation against Wien`s bridge method of oscillations. Complete circuitry of phase shift oscillator is illustrated to describe the concept of its operational principle. Oscillator is basically an electronic device

Phase shift and Wiens bridge oscillator
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that produces an AC signal at the output upon the application of a DC input signal. The wave form of this AC signal can be set into any desired format but generally a sinusoidal wave is formed. Here we will see how a phase shift method can be used for production of oscillations in a DC voltage to get an oscillating signal of required frequency and characteristics. As is clear from the heading these oscillators have two main components which are resistors and capacitors. These can be further classified under two sections which are: A simplified RC network is used in those cases when oscillator is to be used in a very small range of frequency or within a very narrow range of frequencies. To show the basic circuit arrangement for a simple phase shift oscillator we can refer to the following figure shown below: This arrangement can be used for the purpose of regeneration of the frequency range of about a few hundred Hz. There is a signal amplifier stage in the circuitry. This amplifier is followed by a series of three resistors and capacitors connected in cascaded form. This circuit arrangement can be seen clearly in above figure. The function of this cascaded arrangement of resistors and capacitors is just to provide the required feedback to the amplifier stage. As a single amplifier stage is employed in the circuitry it provides inversion of the input signal by 180 degree and this signal is obtained at its base. The RC...

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