TDA9813T TDA9813T VIF-PLL With QSS-IF And Dual FM-PLL Demodulator

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

The TEA1069 and TEA1069A contain all the functions needed to build a highly featured, high-performance fully electronic telephone set. The device incorporates a speech/transmission part, a dialler part and a ringer part. By offering a wide range of possible adaptations for each part, the TEA1069 and TEA1069A application CAN be easily adapted to me

TDA9813T TDA9813T VIF-PLL With QSS-IF And Dual FM-PLL Demodulator
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et different requirements. The TEA1069A offers some different Timings and Diode options compared to the TEA1069. Where pin numbers are mentioned in this data sheet we refer to the TEA1069N, unless otherwise indicated. Speech partThe speech/transmission part performs all speech and line Interface functions required in electronic sets. It operates at line voltages down to 1. 6 V DC to facilitate the use of more telephones connected in parallel. Dialler part The dialler part offers a 32-digit Last Number Redial (LNR) and 13 Memories Hands-free control is included allowing the TEA1069 and TEA1069A to be used not only in basic telephones, but also in feature phones offering hands-free dialling via the TEA1083 call-progress monitor IC and/or full hands-free operation via the TEA1093 hands-free IC. The hold function allows the user to suspend the conversation and resume the call either on the same phone or on a parallel phone. Additionally through the music-on-hold function a melody is transmitted while the set is put on hold. The keytones provide in a buzzer an audible feedback of a valid key pressed.

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