Tablet Reminder Uses Watch Module

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This device is used as a reminder to take medicine every day. This device actually contains a crystal watch and a 4001 quad 2-input NOR gate with two of the gates (IC1a & IC1b) wired as an RS flipflop. The watch is set to tablet time , usually mornings, when an alarm is activated with a high signal fed via diode D1 which sets the RS flipflop and

Tablet Reminder Uses Watch Module
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

enables the oscillator comprising gates IC1c & IC1d. This drives the LED with a 10% duty cycle. The 10nF capacitor resets the watch alarm when positive voltage appears on pin 3 of IC1. The circuit consumes only 50 µA with a 3V battery.

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