Voltmeter + Ammeter LCD panel

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This multimeter was designed to measure output voltage and current in a PSU, where the current sense shunt resistor is connected in series with load at the negative voltage rail. It needs only one supply voltage that can be acquired from main PSU. An additional function of the multimeter is that it can control (switch on and off) an electric fan u

Voltmeter + Ammeter LCD panel
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sed to cool the main heatsink. The power threshold at which the fan switches on can be adjusted using One Touch Button Setup. Bellow you can see the multimeter schematic. There are some components in the parts list marked as "Do Not Assemble". That components was needed in a previous software edition. Current software version doesn`t need them, so you just don`t add them. Maybe in a future version of the multimeter there will be a simpler PCB with simpler electronic diagram too. PCB files are> here <. There are two version of PCB - normal and mirrored. I think, that anyone who makes PCBs will know which one should be used to produce right PCB. Optional element - protect Q1 against voltage peek after switch off fan. Most of the computer type fans which I tested didn`t produce voltage peeks dangerous for Q1 Optional element - protect Q1 against voltage peek after switch off fan. Most of the computer type fans which I tested didn`t produce voltage peeks dangerous for Q1 Because µC is in TQFP package, we can program it after solderingall components on PCB. After that, programming is quite easy to perform. Programming signals are delivered through LCD connector. To make the programming cable, you can use an old PC HDD cable. Picture of my programming cable is shown here: Remembered, that during programming, the circuit must be supplied with +5V. Depending on your programmer, supply voltage is provided either by programmer, or...

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