beeper circuit

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

For simplest functions (flashing indicator and/or beeper) you don`t need a printed circuit board, directly weld onto the legs of the PIC, an end of heat-shrinkable sleeve and that is. Go ahead with softness if you do not want to burn the integrated circuit (do not use an iron of more than 30 W)! Do not rectify the legs of the circuits, that weaken

beeper circuit
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s them, you will be likely to break them or worse than they break later in flight. - I put a LED connected on the output flashing indicator 0, 5 seconds. Of course it is not necessary if you do not want the flashing indicator! On the LED the + is the longest leg (side GP2 on the diagram). For a strong luminosity, resistance in series on the LED can be changed by one 220 Ohms (the current output under 5V is then 22mA and remains compatible with specifications ) For PCM radios with fail-safe at the reception, the loss of the transmitting signal is detected by the receiver. The position of the channels is maintained during the loss of the transmitting signal by receiver itself. Thus we can`t detect a loss of the model by turning the radio OFF. With this kind of radio, I thus advise you to fulfill the function " loss model " on leg GP2 " flashing indicator 1/4 Hz ". The black wire of the buzzer will be connected at "minus -", the red wire with GP2. When you lost your model, think of rocking the switch starting the beep sound! After power on reset, the buzzer will sound during 5 seconds. - to program yours starting from HEX file provided here (2 versions are given : one for 12C508 PIC the other for the 12C509), or even compile the C source also provided (but I ask you not to market it). Imagine that, compared to the neutral position of a radio channel (depth example), one has two positions to the top, two positions to the bottom...

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