hardware aspects of moving message

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

the moving message will be display on the LCD which will be controlled through microcontroller and the message will be sent by computer using RS232. The circuit diagram of the moving message display is shown in this post and how the whole process is completed is discussed here. The Microcontroller in this software is programmed such that it contro

hardware aspects of moving message
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ls the LCD through an interface. An eight-bit interface between in the LCD and Microcontroller is programmed to transfer the data to be written on the LCD display screen. A further three out pins of the Microcontroller are used to generate control signals for the LCD. The three control signals are generated in the same pattern as discussed in the timing diagram in the previous chapters. The project, when looked in totality, can be seen as composing of three components, namely LCD, Microcontroller and serial port. The three components have been discussed independently until now and to give a complete picture, it is necessary to link these components. The linking is not only logical but is also translated into hardware connections. The serial port is connected to the Microcontroller to provide the end user with the functionality of passing a desired string to LCD in run time. An interface between the serial port and the Microcontroller is required for the data transfer. A variable baud rate is generated by the Microcontroller to synchronize the data transfer between the two ends. The connectivity can be analyzed and understood by the hardware diagram at the end of the chapter. The Microcontroller connects with the LCD with an 8bit interface to for data transfer. Three further pins are required to generate enable, read/write and instruction / data signals for the LCD. These three form a small instruction set that allows...

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