headphone jacks

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

actually i wanted to know about the female connector used in PC for connecting the speaker. i hope u got it. i wanted to know the pin connections of the jacks. i shall show u the circuit for the audio coupling of the PC to telephone line. also please suggest me the audio transformer ratings and size, actually im using the eagle layout editor softw

headphone jacks
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are and wanted to know which audio transformer i must connect from the available library. The female connector in the soundcard is a simple stereo socket with 3 terminals for left ch, right ch and ground. The corresponding male stereo jack pin and it`s connections have been posted by TPS. Instead of the RCA jacks you may use mono headphone jacks and corresponding female(mono) sockets as shown in your ckt. I have got the audio isolation transormer which has got 4 terminals at one end and 3 terminals at the other end. Can anyone tell me connection diagram for this transformer to interface with the telephone line and PC. The 4 terminals on one side are probably 2 separate coils. If so you may connect your phone line to one coil and the soundcard line-in(or line-out) to 2 terminals on the other side. I measured the impedance of the transformer using the multi- meter and one side i got the impedance around 48 ohms ( which I used for the Telephone side) and on the another between the middle and either one I got the impedance of around 86 ohms ( which is used for the PC side). and I used the the RC schematics with zener diodes what has been given this forum is working fine. But on the telephone side the audio what Iam getting from PC is very much low. and even i tried with RC Coupled audio amplifier circuit on the telephone side but i didn`t work out. Can anyone tell me how can I amplify this audio signal on the telephone side. I...

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