project Huminator

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The orange lines indicate the positive voltage and the yellow lines indicate the negative voltage, also known as ground. You can do the wiring by soldering components directly to wires, or use a small bit of perfboard/circuit board. To ensure this thing actually works for you, be sure to check the connections on the DC power jacks before you solder them. Remember that the standard for pedal powering is tip-negative.

project Huminator
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

To make a power patch cable to go from the output of the Huminator to your pedal, get two 2. 1mm DC plugs, and a length of two-conductor wire. Solder the two-conductor wire to each of the plugs and you`re ready to go. Plug your 9 volt AC/DC adaptor into the input. Then plug a 2. 11mm DC to DC patch cord into the output of the Huminator and then into your pedal. No more hum!

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